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Optical Innovation

Filmmakers embrace Panavision optics to craft indelible images that resonate with audiences around the world. Our vast inventory of proprietary lenses enables filmmakers to find the perfect match for their creative vision, and ongoing innovations keep our optics at the forefront of modern production workflows.

Product Spotlight

Ultra Panatar II

Well suited for visual effects and virtual production, Ultra Panatar II’s 1.3x squeeze helps maximize the lenses’ adaptability for different aspect ratios while meeting modern resolution requirements. 

The optics of choice for storytellers around the world. 

"Every film is different, and I want a lens to be 100 percent correct for the images I’m trying to create. That is really a big part of how I shoot a movie."

Mandy Walker, AM, ASC, ACS
Cinematographer, Elvis

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Find the look you’re looking for.


 Our extensive inventory of proprietary optics maximizes your creative options. Choose from legacy and modern lens series that range from soft to sharp, with varying contrast levels and optical attributes.



Options for any imager.


Panavision’s anamorphic offerings provide unmatched creative flexibility while delivering the magnification, perspective, disproportionate breathing, flare, bokeh, and focus roll-off associated with the “filmed in Panavision” look.


With options covering large-format and Super 35 imagers as well as 35mm and 65mm film, we also offer a variety of squeeze ratios — including 2x, 1.6x, and 1.3x — to maximize the effective pixels within a sensor’s native aspect ratio while yielding a traditional anamorphic feel.





Inspiring choices for all formats.


From legacy optics like Super Speeds and Ultra Speeds to the award-winning Primo lenses and their modern, large-format counterparts, Panaspeed primes, Panavision has been driving advancements in spherical lens design for decades.


Our inventory includes offerings for any project, whether shooting on digital or film, in large format or Super 35.


Alternative Optics 


Ready solutions for specialty applications.


Our alternative optics are designed to meet your needs when you’re crafting shots that call for a distinct look or unconventional setup. These solutions include Flare, Macro, Portrait, Swing Shift, and Slant Focus optics, the Frazier Lens System, and more.



Maximize your creative freedom. 


The groundbreaking Panavision LCND electronic filter offers increased flexibility on set, further enabling your creative expression. Features include: 

1-6-stop density range

4”x5.65” form factor

Local & remote control 

Top- & side-load versions

Programmable sync modes

24-hour battery life

In-house expertise.

Combining art and science. 

Research, development, design, manufacturing, service, and support. It all happens here, driven by endless curiosity and boundless passion for the art and craft of cinematography. 

Ongoing innovation. Since 1954. 

Robert Gottschalk and Richard Moore

When they co-founded Panavision and introduced the Super Panatar variable-prism projection lens, Robert Gottschalk and Richard Moore established the company’s commitment to optical excellence and innovative solutions.


Sharing our passion. 


At Panavision, we collaborate with filmmakers to support their creative decisions. We also share knowledge and expertise through educational content and initiatives including articles, videos, and live seminars around the world. 

See for yourself. 

Our optics are available through our locations worldwide. Wherever your next project takes you, we’re ready to support your creative vision.