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Data Rate Calculator

The Data Rate Calculator helps you calculate data rates and record times. Compare different codecs and cameras to find an ideal combination for your project.

Start Calculating

Format Compare

The Format Compare tool allows you to calculate and compare the precise frame size and resolution of various cameras and aspect ratios.

Compare Formats

FDL Generator

Using the ASC FDL specification, the FDL Generator in Light Iron’s Galixy platform enables framing decisions to remain consistent from prep through post.

Frame Up
ALE Workbench in Light Iron's Galixy platform

ALE Workbench

The ALE Workbench in Light Iron's Galixy platform enables easy and private viewing, searching, filtering, sorting, and combining of multiple Avid Log Exchange files.

Manage Your Files

DXL Menu Simulator

Familiarize yourself with the full DXL menu via this menu simulator. Use the buttons and scroll knob to navigate through the menus.

Explore the Menu